Friday, July 20, 2007

Jackass: Golf Edition

Jackass, the wildly popular TV show and movie series, is one of my guilty pleasures. It's so stupid it's funny. It also evokes memories from my youth because Johnny Knoxville and his crew reminds me of my crazy buddies from high school.

Interestingly, Jackass has inspired a countless number of idiots to videotape their random acts of stupidity. A couple of Jackass wannabes have managed to incorporate golf into a wild stunt:

I don't know who's crazier, the human golf tee or the guy swinging the club. I know that I don't have the cojones to do either.


JJ said...

That guy is nuts!! He must have been loaded since he didn't even twitch.

Jerome said...

I have seen this from a movie, which I fail to remember the name. Except I think he used a 7 iron in the film, and the guy got up with a bloody nose.

LoneWolf said...

The movie is "The Mask".