I can recall those formative four years being exposed to such things as Keynesian economics, Nietzsche’s Übermensch concept and the Schrodinger equation of quantum mechanics. I toiled countless hours cramming these subjects into my head. Unfortunately, I have long ago lost the ability to recollect any specifics regarding these topics. Thankfully, there are many other things that I learned in college and will remain with me for the rest of my life. Here are just a few of them:
- How to survive on less than $3 per day
- The number of Keystone Lights that one can safely pour into a beer bong without spilling any of the precious nectar
- How to milk 4 full meals out of the The Olive Garden by doggie baggin' your dinner and stuffing yourself and your pockets with the Endless Salad and Breadsticks
- How to unhook a bra in less that 4 seconds using only 3 fingers of one hand without looking
- The tangible benefits of a bong over a pipe
- How to get free CDs shipped to your door from Columbia House and BMG using names such as "Hugh Jass"
- How to work with complete strangers to dismantle field-goal posts after an emotional victory fueled solely by school spirit and Popov Vodka.
I didn't have such an option, but I have successfully parlayed my college experience into a life filled with 60+ hour workweeks at a dead-end job where I’m bored to death trapped with other college-educated lackeys in a cold and sterile office.
It is often said that “the grass is always greener on the other side.” From my standpoint, Wie is standing in the greenest grass in the world. All I know is that I want to be on the side where the grass is in the fairway.
I just have to chuckle... My time in the US Army has taught me just about the same...
Too bad a service record doesn’t look as good as a college diploma.
Love your blog.
Go Bears! 5 straight wins in the Big Game.
Go Oski! -Stuart '94
Other points you may have missed:
* Awakening in your bed, fully clothed but soaking wet, with a garbage can next to your bed, wondering how it all happened and only remember getting to 93 in the Century Club (100 oz of Beer in 100 minutes).
* How did that '74 Bug appear in the Arts Lecture Hall?
* How many grow lamps can go into my dorm closet?
Grouchy, surely you learned more than that in your four years at a top educational institution. For example:
* the rules to such fine drinking games as quarters, hour of power, and beer dice.
* the relative merits of caffeine in coffee form, soda form, or pill form.
* handy time-management skills, including how to snooker your professor into granting you an extension on your paper because of a "family emergency" when actually you didn't write the paper because you didn't feel like it.
Surely you're not pooh-poohing these valuable life skills!
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